I know what I wanted from recruitment agencies when I was a client:
Knowledge & Expertise
Of my company.
Of the markets I operate in.
Of the candidate market.
The ability to ask the right questions to find out.
I wanted a fully screened shortlist
Not lots of CV's for me to look through
I wanted to be challenged on my thinking and decisions by an expert
If they didn't have relevant candidates I wanted them to be honest.
I respected agencies that were upfront with me and
I trusted them more
Candidate Management
I wanted candidates to be fully briefed before they arrived for interview.
I wanted the consultant to manage their expectations and all questions and negotiations

Some of the positions that I recruit for include:
Client Manager
Key Account Director
Sales Director
Business Development Manager
Business Development Director
Enterprise Director
Customer Success Manager
Data Analyst
Data Scientist
BI Analyst
Data Engineer
Research Analsyt
Research Director
Insight Director
Insight Manager
Shopper Insights
Category Managers
Consumer Insights
Category Directors